Bishop’s Hatfield Girls School won an unplanned Commended Award (£1,000) towards a strong bid for a range of practical science equipment, Chromebooks and visualisers.
Isabelle Fautrero-Sayer (School Development Officer) coordinated the bid which aimed to address progress in science and maths not being as high as some other subjects. Isabelle argued that the acquisition of practical equipment would help in a number of ways:
Through this project, we aim to raise students’ educational achievement in Science and Maths at both GCSE and A level. Furthermore, we wish to stimulate increased interest in Science and Maths, thereby encouraging more girls into STEM career paths. A review of these areas has led us to conclude that we need to do this through:
- Engaging students in the subjects through investment in enhanced visual tools more interactive equipment to support teaching, with technology to bring science to life. This will improve learning through a greater understanding of advanced and often complex theories and techniques.
- Providing specialist equipment to support thorough investigation and analysis of practical science that stretch and challenge students. These skills are vital for achievement in the revised GCSE and A level courses.
Isabelle then went on to analyse and explain the specific benefits of practical activities in science such as engagement, visual learning, developing investigative and analytical skills and giving equal opportunities.
The bid also explained how the equipment would benefit pupils and staff from outside the school including their sixth form consortium, a regular primary links programme and trainee teachers at the school.
Although we are always disappointed not to be able to give the full award to all the excellent major bids, we look forward to hearing what part of their bid BHGS will spend their Commended Award money on.