Chauncy’s science department remains static!

We were pleased to award Chauncy School a STEM award for a new Van De Graaff generator, Joule meters, ph meters and power packs.  Michele O’Hanlon (Science Teacher) explained the need for the Van de Graaff

 “Unfortunately during lockdown, mice got into one of our storage cupboards and have pretty much destroyed all the non metal parts of the Van de Graaff. We have tried to repair / replace the destroyed non metal parts to no avail. The Van de Graaff is the 'show stopper' part of any of our lessons / commitments and projects.”

She went on to help us understand the wide range of topics the equipment is needed for: 

“Forensic science sessions

Environmental / ecology sessions
Pharmaceutical product preparation
Toiletry manufacture and production
Lights, fibre optics and laser investigations
Identification of unknown substances and materials.
Electrolysis and electrochemical cell (portable fuel source production)
Investigation: acids, base, pH curves and accurate titrations.
Investigations into static electricity, weather and electrical fields.”

… and the many groups of pupils (on top of science classes) who would benefit:

“Stem Club
Crest awards
Science Club
Easter Schools
Summer schools
Primary outreach
Community day
Careers day
Open evening
Year 6 moving up day”

Finally, Michelle finished with general benefits of the equipment:

"The equipment would be reliable, easy to pre prepare, easy to transport, easy to use and easy to store.
The equipment would be functional and interchangeable in all of the above projects.
In class and out of class these projects will help primary and secondary students consolidate and extend scientific knowledge and achievement.
To inspire and motivate primary and secondary students to consider future STEM subject careers.”

And perhaps, most importantly:

“Finally: TO HAVE FUN!!!!!!”