Kenilworth have successfully bid for funds for class packs of crumble controllers and the DT Association’s Projects on a Page scheme. They identified three key barriers to delivering the high standard of DT they aspire to and tailored their EdufundUK application accordingly. For example, as Deputy Headteacher, Claire Williams, explained:
“1) Through purchasing the DT association projects on a page curriculum, we will be able to support the teacher's subject knowledge for all aspects of the DT curriculum. Each project offers guidance for the structure of the unit, core vocabulary and clear subject knowledge for the delivery of the curriculum. This will benefit the children currently at Kenilworth and future learners.
2) Within the application we have requested a class pack of crumble controllers, these controllers will support teachers with incorporating computing into their designs. This will support the coverage of the dt and computing curriculum. We have also requested to purchase a cams demonstration board and an axles demonstration board that will support teachers with clear visuals of how to teach these aspects. This will benefit present and future children with clearer understanding of mechanisms and computing. These are reusable resources that will benefit future cohorts as well as our current children.”
We at EdufundUK are always impressed when clear identification of a need and well-researched, long-term solutions are clearly presented to us. Applications are especially welcome if these solutions help busy teachers improve their skill sets effectively but without taking too much time out of their days. We understand that DT often has to take a “back seat” due to the pressures of delivering the core subjects and agree with Claire’s arguments for its importance:
“We feel that, by improving the quality of the DT provision at our school, we will be benefiting the children through preparing them for life in secondary school and beyond, creating interest for the children to apply for STEM jobs in the future. Our school is in an area of high deprivation and we need to provide children with these opportunities for them to problem solve, develop resilience and take charge of their own situations - high quality DT is a core driver for offering these skills to the children in our care.”
It's also loads of fun!