Secondary Award Winners

Over £400,000 donated to Hertfordshire Secondary Schools since January 2018
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The Bushey Academy raise the bar!

EdufundUK are very happy to award the Bushey Academy funding for their first set of pole vaulting equipment.  They are currently obliged to borrow poles when they compete at county level athletics but now they will be able to practice with, and use, their own pole.  This should hopefully encourage more pupils into the sport. 

By coincidence, we handed over the cheque on the first day of their OFSTED inspection – we hope it all went really well!

In November 2019, as part of our follow up procedure, Natalie told us.....

We annual enter the Watford District athletics league and every year previously have not been able to enter any athletes in the pole vault events - but this year we could. The money enabled us to purchase a new pole vault so we could take it to each event and 4 students each time were able to experience and take part in pole vault competitions for the first time.

Roundwood Park athletes are off to Majorca

We are thrilled to have been able to help up to six pupil premium and vulnerable pupils attend a specialist athletics training camp in Majorca.  The pupils will benefit from superb facilities and coaching and enable them to experience a new country and make new friends in the process.   

Making the trip more accessible to all will boost numbers at GCSE and A-Level PE.  Athletics is one sport in the school that is a major focus at the moment and having such intensive training by outside experts should help boost scores even further for the practical elements of both courses.

Presdales order a 3D printer for STEM

We are delighted to have funded a 3D printer for Presdales School.  At the moment, 3D Design is currently only an on-screen exercise using SketchUp.  The printer will provide their computing students with the ability to actually create an increased range of digital artefacts.  The school plans to progress to students designing and printing objects which can then be controlled by their own programs e.g. buggies, robotic arms and models.

As well as encouraging and enabling girls to excel at I.T. and engineering within the curriculum, Presdales' bid was further strengthened by the additional benefit of the award to their 40-strong STEM club.

John Warner win a minor award towards their all singing, all dancing Arts Week.

Bringing in outside experts and having a sustained focus event on a particular area are fabulous strategies for Effective Learning for all subjects.  When you utilise these strategies for the Creative Arts, you educate, entertain and motivate not only the pupils but an audience as well.

JWS will be holding an Arts Week from 2-5 July with a whole-day festival on the fifth.  We were delighted to help fund specialists from the local community who will work alongside Y7 and Y8 pupils to showcase art, music, drama and dance.  Older pupils and primary children from the Hoddesdon Schools Trust will also be involved in what promises to be an eye-opening event.

Minor Awards Going Fast!

We are thrilled to be recieving excellent applications for our Summer Term 2018 minor awards.  Our counter (Home Page) is decreasing quickly but that means money is getting into schools for a range of excellent projects across all three of our focus areas.  We'll give details of the recipient schools and their projects after the cheques have been handed over.

Minor awards may be applied for at any time during the school year and are normally assessed within two weeks.  They can be for any of our focus areas - STEM, PE or learning effectively.

Apply now for your share!

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