Townsend Tackle Test Techniques!

We were very happy to fund Townsend’s bid for a motivation and revision/exam technique workshop last week.  Fixup Seminars will be delivering their GCSE Champions assembly and workshops to Year 11 which will include:

·       How to be a GCSE Champion 
·       Believing in yourself 
·       Confidence building to tackle challenges 
·       Goal setting  
·       Revision techniques 
·       Exam techniques 
·       Stress management 

Andy Still (Y11 Director of Learning) made a strong case for the course to hone those vital revision and examination technique skills needed to give pupils of all levels the very best chance of achieving their potential in external examinations.  In addition, the motivational aspect of the course and the fact that extra time and resources are being spent on them should help re-engage any pupils who are flagging or demotivated.

Andy also made the valid point that the skills and attitudes learned or strengthened during the sessions will help pupils in their future academic and work lives – there’s our longevity of benefit box ticked, right there!

We wish Andy and his cohort all the best in their preparations for the summer examinations.