Primary Award Winners

Over £250,000 Granted to Hertfordshire Primary Schools Since September 2019
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Primary Award Winners for Autumn Term 2022 (Details)

Here is a round-up of the primary awards granted so far in the autumn term of 2022.   Each successful application has to satisfy our award criteria which you can find here.  We wish all the schools every success with their wonderful projects and are very pleased to have helped them "make a big difference with a little money".

Please Note:  The Effective/Outdoor Learning criteria will split into Outdoor Learning and Learning to Learn from January 2023 so some of the E/OL awards below may not have been passed under the new category.

School  Location    Focus Area   Award Summary  Amount 
Grange Academy Letchworth English A wide selection of fiction and non-fiction for 4 year groups to replace deteriorating books and expose children to cross-curricular ideas, wider world contexts and foster ideas of diversity. 995
Roebuck Academy Stevenage English 5x complete sets of Monster Phonics scheme books to enhance access to targeted materials especially for intervention and catch-up groups.  Many of the books are also multi-sensory to engage a wide range of SEND pupils. 1000
Stevenage/N. Herts Writing Project Stevenage English (Sponsorship)  EdufundUK's first sponsorship begins in 2022/23 after a number of years of informally supporting this project.  We have funded the books and some of the award ceremony costs for this excellent project in which KS2 classes in 16 Hertfordshire schools (this year) focus on the same book for writing work for a number of weeks and submit their best writers into the competition.  A wonderful opportunity for school collaboration and innovative English teaching and learning. 1600
Widford Primary Widford English A range of Floppy Phonics and Oxford Reading Tree books to reinforce phonics at home and in intervention groups in KS1 and facilitate catch-up sessions for KS2 children in need. 975
Thundridge Primary Ware English A wide range of Little Wandle phonics books and cards to extend the variety of text types available and enable teaching in smaller groups for KS1 and give more appropriate content to Y3 pupils requiring intervention. 967
Parkgate Junior Watford STEM 4X Micro:bit Club (10 Pack) sets and a 3D printer to improve skills coverage such as CAD and programming with hands-on equipment both in class and in extra-curricular clubs.


St. Margaret Clitherow Stevenage English A diverse range of Collins Big Cat group reading books for Y1-3 to enhance small group teaching, challenge the most able children, inspire a love of reading and develop pupils' cultural capital. 1000
Larkspur Ware Effective and Outdoor Learning A wide range of sensory, learning and wellbeing equipment to help pupils with SEN, lower attaining pupils, pupils with pastoral needs and pupils who struggle with memory/retention to engage in effective learning through emotional regulation and utilising varied learning styles. 991
Oxhey Wood Watford Effective/ Outdoor L. A range of Forest School and gardening equipment and a greenhouse to develop an outdoor learning environment for regular class sessions and afterschool clubs. 1000
Therfield First Royston Effective/ Outdoor L. A class set of waterproof overalls and gardening tools for older and younger children to facilitate all-weather weekly Forest School classes and new gardening clubs where children will tend their own class allotments. 907
Therfield First Royston STEM A bulk set of aprons to facilitate whole-class cooking lessons, clubs and workshops.


Warren Dell Watford Multi Focus A wide range of books for the library and classrooms with a special focus on science and foundation subjects to support the children's curriculum reading and broaden their reading at home.


Hartsbourne Bushey English A book vending machine to support their Reading Journey Initiative and raise the profile of reading in the school.


Great Gaddesden Hemel Hempstead English Pearl, Sapphire, Diamond and Emerald Big Cat phonic book sets to ensure a diverse range of appropriate texts for KS2 reading and smaller intervention groups.


Tonwell St. Mary's Hertford STEM A range of science workshops and equipment to create an immersive and exciting suite of activities for National Science Week and normal curriculum lessons.


Hillshott Infant Letchworth English Half class sets of Phase 2 Big Cat phonics books to extend their Little Wandle scheme into Reception in order to better prepare them for KS1.


St. Mary's CofE Berkhampsted Multi-Focus D+T Leadership training  to develop knowledge and skills and facilitate subsequent in-house training and Get Set 4 PE scheme of work to enable more independent planning and delivery without specialist support.


Wilbury Junior Letchworth English Multiple copies of 40 different fiction books to enhance the launch of a reading passport scheme for all children and promote the love of reading diverse and inclusive texts.


Chaulden Junior Hemel Hempstead English A book vending machine (150 book capacity) to promote reading and act as an incentive for excellent behaviour for learning.


Saffron Green Borehamwood STEM A range of STEM indoor and outdoor equipment to facilitate more 3D, hands-on learning and science assessment moderation CPD materials to gain a deeper insight into the target levels of understanding.


Moss Bury Stevenage STEM A range of maths manipulatives to support children in deep understanding and catching up with place value and times-tables both in class and intervention groups.


Shepherd Rickmansworth STEM 20x BBC  Micro:bit Inventor Kits to enhance KS2 knowledge and skills in computer control and coding through hands-on ICT activities and collaboration.


Mount Pleasant Lane St. Albans PE 10x deluxe gym mats and storage trolley to replace an old, deteriorated set, incorrectly stored and facilitate more challenging gymnastic club sessions and core PE lessons.


Waterside Academy Welwyn Garden City English A wide selection of fiction and non-fiction library books and a mobile bookcase to build on an OFSTED report of teachers prioritising and children having a love of reading.


Gade Valley Hemel Hempstead Multi-Focus A wide range of outdoor cooking equipment to address D+T cooking and nutrition and science healthy eating/food groups topics in a fun and healthy outdoor environment.


Harvey Road Rickmansworth E/O L A range of equipment for their outside learning space to develop skills and knowledge in many areas including teamwork, communication, caring for the environment, developing habitats and growing plants.


Alban City St. Albans Multi-Focus Makey Makey input kits and screen-free robots to demonstrate how coding and sensors work in concrete, hands-on experiences with the "WOW factor" and for use in science, technology and music.


Ayecliffe Drive Hemel Hempstead Multi-Focus Lego Education Spike Prime kits and storage to enable pupils to program real-world devices and for use in small group and Lego therapy sessions to develop thinking and communications skills and promote well-being.


Bayford C/E Hertford E/O L 5x Vango family tents for sleepovers at school to develop outdoor learning skills (e.g. cooking), teamwork, communication skills and resilience and prepare Y3-6 for residential trips.


Wattling View St. Albans Multi-Focus A heavy-duty tricycle and go-cart for pupils and holiday respite children with severe learning difficulties to promote health and wellbeing as well as improve their gross motor skills.


Shenley (#1) Watford Foundation 5x digital cameras for children to take high quality photos of their work for their books and class web pages which will capitalise on the pupils' existing sense of pride in their work.


Bushey Manor Junior Watford Foundation A very wide range of non-fiction books from a local independent book shop to capitalise on the children's curiosity to delve deeper into specific topic areas in the foundation and science curriculum and replace old, out-of-date books.


Thorn Grove Bishops Stortford Multi-Focus A "No Outsiders" book pack to stimulate appreciation and discussion of diversity and equality and BBC micro:bit V2 cards  (10 Pack)  to help children apply their programming skills and link with science in joint projects.


Wymondley JMI Hitchin English 8x different sets of Collins Big Cat reading books to ensure every child has access to a range of  phonetically decodable books at the correct stage to develop a love or reading.  They will be used through the whole school and in small groups, shared reading sessions and themed days.


Shenley (#2) Watford English A one-year subscription to the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education to provide children with a broader and richer range of texts, give access to both their reading and writing planning and training for teachers.  The funds will be budgeted for in future years if this trial is successful.


Nash Mills C/E Hemel Hempstead STEM A Crumble Coding class pack of accessories which allows physical input and output interactions with code (e.g.  light sensors, switches, buzzers and motors).  This will help students develop skills and confidence in coding in class and clubs and also link with other subjects such as DT.


Primary Award Winners: Summer 2022

Here is a round-up of the awarded so far in the summer term of 2022.   Each successful application has to satisfy our award criteria which you can find here.  We wish all the schools every success with their wonderful projects and are very pleased to have helped them "make a big difference with a little money".

School  Location    Focus Area   Award Summary  Amount 
Hoblett's Manor   Hemel Hempstead English 7 treasure chests and a wide variety of books to engage and enthuse children about reading. 1000
Central Watford  STEM 20 Micor:bit GO bundles and an Inventor's Kit to enable pupils to see their coding in action on real hardware.  985
St. Mary's Catholic Bishops Stortford English A diverse range of class-based library books ranging widely across genres and themes, developing their knowledge of cultural differences, current global challenges, and knowledge linked to many areas of the curriculum.  1000
Benington Primary Stevenage English Little Wandle phonics scheme membership, 120 decodable readers and classroom resources to standardise the phonics learning in R and Y1 and enable catch-up in other years.  959
Almond Hill Junior Stevenage Foundation 30 Headphone/Microphone sets to allow children to use immersive reader, dictate and other audio tools as well as listen to their animations, tutorials and personalised learning tasks. 690
Colney Heath St. Albans English 3 sets of Little Wandle phonics system reading books for reception classes to facilitate phonics sessions 3 times a week and consistent phonic-orientated reading at home. 1000
Longmeadow Stevenage English Multiple copies of Little Wandle phonics readers to catch up with progress in KS1 and facilitate home phonics reading. 1000
Bayford CE Hertford English 3 sets of Little Wandle phonics scheme books to start their new SSP programme to comply with government guidelines and interest/engage pupils. 1000
Saffron Green Borehamwood STEM Secure charging trolley to enable all classes to have easy, efficient access and charging facilities for their new chromebooks and to make full use of learning platforms, differentiated tasks and independent learning.  1000
St. John the Baptist Ware English Little Wandle phonics scheme training, membership and books to kick-start their SSP programme. 1000
Thorn Grove Bishops Stortford STEM Data loggers and blood flow sensors to facilitate pupils' "systematic adn careful observations... taking accurate measurements... using a range of equipment...' 932
Reed First Royston English A full set of Little Wandle phonics scheme books to use in group reading to develop pupils' fluency and ability to read to learn rather than learn to read. 1000
Hunsdon JMI Ware English Pearson Bug Club phonics books - top-up packs of 6 copies to refresh and extend their resources and continue the children's remarkable improvement in phonics scores. 1000
Icknield Inf./Nursery Letchworth Multi-focus A range of indoor/outdoor STEM equipment including remote control items and robots to build on their strong computing curriculum as well as developing communication and observation skills. 990
 Manland Harpenden  English   A very wide range of books encompassing new authors (and much loved ones too!), stories from our literary heritage, high-quality non-fiction, poetry, and characters who are ethnically diverse to build their Y3-Y6 reading spine resources. 993 
Countess Anne Hatfield Multi-focus A range of filming equipment to develop team-work, creative and technical skills particularly during their annual film week. 668
Weston Primary/ Nursery Hitchin English 3x Big Cat Set 1 books for Little Wandle phonics scheme to help close the attainment gap, standardise phonics learning and engage pupils to bring the school provision up to date and in line with the latest agreed good practice. 1000

Primary Award Winners: Spring 2022

Here is a round-up of the awarded so far in the spring term of 2022.   Each successful application has to satisfy our award criteria which you can find here.  We wish all the schools every success with their wonderful projects and are very pleased to have helped them "make a big difference with a little money".


School Focus Area Project Amount (£)
Brookmans Park Primary   Multi-focus All-day assemblies/workshops by global adventurer, James Ketchel to inspire and develop risk-taking, resilience and resourcefulness. 500
Cassiobury Junior Effective/Outdoor L. A  greenhouse to enable learning about biodiversity, healthy eating etc. 1000
The Grange Academy English Various magazine subscriptions for each year group inc. National Geographic, How it Works and The Week Junior. 1000
St. Meryl English 4 iPads for the library to help with research, book search and large print/audio access 1000
St. John's RC (Baldock) Multi-focus Healthy Bodies/Minds Day:  PE, wellbeing drama and cookery specialist workshops 1000
Maple Grove STEM 5 iPads for small groups and Tapestry learning journal 1000
Cockernhoe English Little Wandle phonics membership, readers and resources 959
Moss Bury Multi-Focus Books and resources to start 4 after-school clubs 439
Watling View PE Equipment for their soft-play room to develop communication and gross motor skills 1000
Harvey Road STEM 15 Freenove Ultimate Starter Kits for BBC micro:bit computers to develop understanding of components and coding 960
Hillshott Infants English Membership of Little Wandle Phonics Scheme to embed a consistent phonics curriculum across the school. 995
Hertingfordbury Cowper C/E English Three sets of Little Wandle Phonics decodable readers to enable home reading and catch-up. 1000
Holy Family Multi-Focus Initial equiping of outdoor play area to aid communication, social and physical skills. 1000
Wareside Effective/Outdoor L. Equipment to set up a Forest School to enhance wellbeing and build social skills, independence and problem solving. 999
Shenley English 3 sets of Read/Write Inc.  phonics books to reduce sharing, facilitate books being taken home and catch-up sessions. 946
St. Michael's Woolmer Grn. STEM 8 Asus laptops for children to use in the classroom for presenting work, research and IT skills. 1000
St. Pauls Catholic English Outdoor library, bean bags and book sets to promote and support leisure-time reading and study/homework. 1000
Thundridge English A wide range of diverse and subject specific books to expose pupils to a wider range of genres, people, backgrounds and alternative professions. 1000
Offley English A  school-branded book vending machine for lending prize books to encourage reading at home and facilitate author focus periods. 1000
Hoblett's Manor English A school-branded book vending machine to encourage reading at all levels and create a talking point about current "on-trend" books. 1000
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